Request A Quote

We understand that keeping your books in order can be a daunting task, so we offer customized quotes to meet the specific needs of our clients. Fill out the form below to receive a custom quote!

Want More Detailed Financials?

Select Job Costing, AR and AP Management to get:

  • Reports that show individual job profitability

  • Reports that show accurate customer/vendor balances

  • ​Faster payments from your clients with our invoicing help

  • Tons of benefits from our bill payment service

Prior Months got you down?

Select Clean-up or Back work if you need help

  • Putting together prior year financials for tax preparation

  • ​Prior month bookkeeping for current year tax preparation

  • ​Prior year data to compare with current year financials

Payroll and Sales Tax confusion?

Select Payroll Setup & Support or Sales Tax Filings if

  • ​You spend too much time processing employee payroll

  • ​You are unsure if you are making tax payments correctly

  • You are unsure if you are filing all the required reports

  • ​You are unsure if you are collecting all the required taxes

Legal and Tax Help

Select Legal Help and Tax Planning & Preparation if

  • You are unsure that your business is fully protected

  • ​If you need various federal or state tax ID numbers

  • You are tired of being surprised at your tax bill

  • ​You need help preparing your business or personal return

Need Help?

Send us an email at


Decker Bookkeeping Services

(573) 421-2851

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Decker Bookkeeping Services

(573) 421-2851

© Copyright 2022. Decker Bookkeeping Services. All rights reserved.